The Family of Steve & Linda Wilson

North Texas, United States

Saturday, March 28, 2015


Samantha has been a busy baker today. She made 4 cakes for the Cornerstone's birthday celebration tomorrow at church, 2 fresh strawberries pies, and a batch of cookies. She said she isn't tired and would like to make some more. Grandma told her that she is tired and that's enough for one day! She loves to bake and does it by herself but I take things in and out of the oven and wash up a lot of the dishes as she goes. Must be our age difference. She is ten and I am about six weeks shy of 68. Sometimes she makes me feel my age!
Her girls choir is singing in the service tomorrow morning so while she baked she practiced her song. Papaw finally went in the bedroom and closed the door. I enjoyed it but a couple of times was enough for him as he doesn't like noise of any kind. Below she is pictured with the cakes for church. She is a joy to have around.

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